Tips For a Successful Portrait Session
Arrive Early! Make sure to arrive with plenty of time to find parking, get situated and find your photographer. Let's start the session off with a smile and not a frazzled I'm running-late-my-kid-wouldn't-get-in-the-carseat sort of look.
Eat Before Your Session! No one will photograph well when they are hungry- big or little! Make sure to get dressed for the session after you eat though ;)
At the session, please leave the directing of kiddos to the photographer. When too many people at once are telling kids what to do it can be overwhelming. Remember, your photographer is often looking for the in between moments, so please don’t worry if your kiddos aren’t always putting on their perfect “say cheese” smiles…

What to Wear
Wear clothes that make you feel fabulous. If you feel good, you look good (some clichés are true). You want to be comfortable and appropriately dressed for the location.
We don’t recommend everyone matching perfectly, however we do recommend picking a few of colors for the family and staying within that color scheme for everyone. Different hues of the same couple of colors can work great. Try to stay away from solid black & white as they either swallow up or reflect too much light.
Be picky with patterns, and embrace texture! Use solid colors as a base and add a few patterned items for variety. Also, experiment with texture- a scarf, a light jacket, a sweater or a cap can really add to a photo. We don't recommend everyone wear the same pattern.
Please stay away from clothing advertising name brands ,logos or cartoon characters in order to keep the focus on you and your beautiful family.